I gotta completion and I was the farrier! haha. Barefoot'n lives on. Take off those metal shoes and see how many times you can skim em across the lake when you throw them away. lol. It is possible. 3 horses, all trimmed by myself, using the info I got from the website I've been promoting and, yes, I was extremely worried it would not fly, but, hey, I'm a wild and crazy guy, so I went for it. OK, Sylvia, out there in endurance tough California, land of doubting Thomas', is 55 miles (actually I think it was 65, cause we measure kinda like we vote down here in Florida) enough for ya??????? If not, then you can go pound some sand. lol. jk. OK, I'm gloating, and I'm sure lightning will strike me dead tomorrow for doing so, but, today, I feel purty darn good about it all. Anyway, if you've ever gotten just sick and tired of waiting for you farrier, who never shows up on time, or, you get those flares in your horse's hooves between those 6 week visits, and you can bend over and touch your knees without cheating, I'm saying, you can do this folks. You really can. If fat Howard can do it anyone can! Now, granted, I ride in soft ground, but there was quite a few miles of that shale rock on the road, which was part of the trail in Osceola, and they all did friggen great. War Cry, Moonlight Princess & American Spirit all completed and I'm their farrier. haha, I love saying that! And, in a few weeks we're gonna do it again, sooooooooo, yes, it can be done. (Gee, I can't wait to hear from Maggie with this one). For those of you who think I've gone and joined a cult or went out and became a Hairy (sic) Krishna or something, well, that just ain't true. I just got sick and tired of getting pulled for that subtle head bob and decided to give this a shot. I gotta keep on pinching myself to convince me this is reality and not one of my frequent fantasies; something I planned is actually working. Thought some of ya'll might want to know. And, BTW, there was no mud or rain or anything but fun at this ride for those of you who decided it would be more fun to muck it out at The Biltmore. If I ever ride the Biltmore, without shoes, I'll have a ten part story to tell ya'll, I'm sure. cya, Howard (the barefoot nut!)
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