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Re: Intranasal Vaccines
Keep in mind that strangles is only about 60% effective
(last time I asked anyway) and it has the potential to GIVE your horse
strangles. They actually suffer a mild case of it which is what gives
immunity. Some can get full blown cases. That can put your horse out
of commission for awhile! Also.....NEVER, EVER give the intranasal vaccine
and ANY injection for any reason at the same time....one of our clients gave the
intranasals and booster shots all in one day. Every last yearling (22 of
them) ended up with a HUGE abcess at the site of the injection....somehow it was
introduced through the needle...whether they got in on their hands or what, I
don't know but we have been warned to never do both on the same day. We
don't do strangles so other than the above, I am absolutely no help to you
whatsoever! :)
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