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Mogans and what they do
Mel asked me to expand on what makes Morgans different than
Arabs on endurance rides. I have competed both, and no question,
there is a difference. Please join in on this as I know that there are
others who have experienced the same thing.
I was told right from the get go that Morgans don't do endurance.
That was fifteen years ago. All I had was a Morgan so I did it
anyway. And I would tell anyone else with a Morgan to go out
there and have a ball. Mary Coleman has a terrific Morgan who
can out tough any horse because she has learned how to compete
Pulse recoveries were difficult for Beau, but I have seen many
Morgans recover as good as an Arab. What gets weird is the CRI.
It has happened to me many times and I have seen it happen to
many other Morgans. The CRI goes up 4-8 beats. Guts sounds
are low, some dehydration, but the horse looks perky and trots like
a machine. I've been pulled for that. Happily, I see more and more
vets ask for the horse to come back and with some eating and
cooling out, the horse usually looks fine. Once I had an hour hold
and when I went back had a 48/48 CRI, go figure. We had a
Morgan do this at the Vermont 100 this year and since the vets
understood they let him continue and the horse finished just fine
I learned to take more time cooling out my horse. I made sure
that his pulse was down and staying down before going to the vets.
It took a few more minutes, but paid off. And I learned to really
pay attention to electrolytes before, during and after a ride.
The biggest difference between an Arab and a Morgan is the speed
envelop. I simply could not race with the front guys, I had to lay
back and wait for them to either slow down or be pulled. Got us to
the ROC, can't complain!
John and Sue Greenall
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