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FEI horses

carla lawson
I have a few questions I would like to ask about FEI competing horses. I
would like to know the statistics of FEI horses from other countries and
US FEI horses.
1) What is the average career life span for horses competing in FEI? US vs
other countries?
2) Are horses more likely to pass an FEI vet check that would other wise
not pass an non-sanctioned ride?
3) what are the statistics on other countries vs. US with injuries? Pulls?
given there are more other countries riding and the US is not as populated
in these rides (do the math) say 1 US rider to every 10-30 riders what is
the percentage of injuries or pulls?
4) riders choice to pull or continue are the US riders more or less likely
to pull vs. other countries?

I realize the questions seem rather loaded, but I am trying to figure out
why it was implied to me that US riders do not seem to fair as well in the
FEI events or have I been gravely missled?

Carla (Dubai bound FEI day...sorry Howard..I sold out!)
Ansata (umm just who you gonna take across the pond???)
Haley (My feet are planted in the states baby...get over this fever!)
Rob (clutching the mastercard firmly)

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