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Re: Tom Thumb Bits

The tom thumb has a crushing effect under pressure.  While standing on the ground, grasp both reins and back your horse (pulling much as you would to stop or cue to back up while mounted) and you will see the mechanics in motion. 
If the tom thumb works for you, that's great.  If you haven't bought one yet and you are just shopping for a bit with a little bit of leverage consider a short shank bit that does not have a jointed mouthpiece.  I have a kimberwicke that I like for this purpose.  It's not a lot of bit but it has enough leverage to pull my horse out of a bucking episode. 
During the last year I have switched to an S-hack (no bit) which is working very well for us. 
Good luck,
Tina Rushing 
El Granada, CA
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 10:40 PM
Subject: RC: Tom Thumbs

So what exactly is so bad about a Tom Thumb?  What makes it harsher than any other curb bit?

Pamela (who rides in a snaffle, but has collected various bits over the years, most recently a Tom Thumb)

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