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Running Bear, Ed Paige and AERC
Teddy Lancaster Teddy@runningbear.com
Greetings from Running Bear:
Many of you are aware that my companion, Ed Paige, fell from a horse last
May, broke his back and is now a paraplegic. While it is not the end of
the world, life has taken a drastic change for both of us.
After more than 6 months, Ed was finally able to come home (Thanksgiving)
and we are learning to cope with his disability and working hard at making
both our lives as normal as possible.
However, we have a lot to learn and progress is very slow. Hence, my
travels around the USA to various rides and trade shows are, at least for
awhile, suspended. So, we will not be attending the AERC Convention or
the Equine Affaire in Pomona, CA in F
ruary and March. We have attended the AERC Convention for about 15 years
and ALL of the Equine Affaire shows since its inception. It is with MUCH
regret we cannot attend these this year as we have loved seeing everyone
at these shows and immensely enj
ed the journey to them.
Ed is OK...he still needs help with many daily living activities and we
simply have not found anyone we have confidence in to care for him while
the store is on the road. Hopefully this will change as the months go on.
For the great many of you who have send e-mails, donations or continued to
buy from us during this horribly stressful time, I send my deepest
gratitude. I am fortunate in that my business CAN survive without
traveling, but my hope is that Ed will becom
mobile enough to travel with me again in the future.
So, in appreciation and regret for not being able to be at these shows, I
will be offering specials at our on-line store during the months of
February and March. The cost of traveling to these shows will not be
there, so we will pass this savings along
o you, our long faithful customers and supporters.
As always,
Teddy Lancaster
Footnote: Our move to Montana has also been put on hold and most of the
horses and our rig (which will not accommodate Ed) are for sale. Please
take a look at our website or e-mail me for further information
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