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Fire Mountain (PS)

In its 23rd year, the Valley Riders put on a fine event.  We had 
sunshine and cool temps, a combination that my horse loves.  Ride 
management was challenged by the first time vandalism of markers on 
these BLM trails, by dirt bike riders, and had to remark and check 
trail.  Fortunately at least they could do it by motorcycle too.

The ride consists of 3 loops out of camp, with gradual climbs and few 
rocks.  With the clear skies, the views were great.  I enjoy the 
desert rides, with their good footing and I like the desert 
vegetation.  There were 114 riders, with 86 keeping me company on the 

Camp is at the Valley Riders' own facilities, with vet checks held in 
one of two big arenas.  The 3 vets were all female, with Michele Shaw 
as head vet.  They only had to have one vet at an outcheck, at vet 3, 
so the vetting went quickly.

The first two loops were 15 miles, with the last a bit over 20.  We 
had the misfortune of a howling wind appearing when we were a short 
distance out on loop 3.  Ember hated the sound of the jacket I pulled 
out from my pack, its sleeves made a sound like a paper bag snapping. 
I was not about to take it off.  It had been 60ish when we left on 
that loop, no reason to carry rump rugs, heavy jackets, etc., right? 
She hated that sound so much that after putting up with it for a few 
miles, she took off at a gallop, hardly hearing the reassuring words 
I tried to say to her.  We got up this looooong hill really quickly 
that way, with my reins bridged race-horse style.  Did I mention I 
was riding in a rope halter with little side-pull rings?  Exciting. 
Heather and I agreed that it was much fun. <g>

Once again I was sponsoring Heather Hackworth, the junior with many 
more miles than me.  She ended up first junior.  Our ride time was a 
bit over 6 hrs, low 20s, I think.  I have no idea of the number of 
finishers or even who won, sorry.  I do know that Mary Elliot won BC 
on the 50, on Gary Glazer's great horse Acting Up.  That's 2 BCs in a 
row for him, since Dabney rode him at Warners.  I think he got a BC 
at Silver State for one of the days, too.

Congrats to Sue and Mike Benson and the Valley Riders for a well-run ride!

and Rem-member Me, Celesteele

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