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Cougar Prowl?

Could someone tell me about this ride?  How is the terrain and footing?  
Special and I only did a few rides last year and this ride is coming up 
fairly quickly.  We'll only be doing the 25, but I don't want to stress her 
unduly.  We'll be coming from NE Kansas and have been conditioning on the 
trails around Shawnee Mission Lake (Kansas).  For the locals, any suggestions 
on other trails on which to condition that will be similar to conditions at 
the Cougar Prowl?  

Any suggestions from anyone for a good ride schedule to use between now and 
March 9 to get ready?  We were riding three times a week, with a range of 10 
to 15 miles each ride, until about four or five weeks ago when everyone in my 
family started getting sick.  I want to finish, and discuss letting ME decide 
on our speed with Special, and am not interested in "winning."


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