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----- Original Message -----From: Maryanne Stroud GabbaniTo: Dana B. ; Friday, January 18, 2002 5:09 PMSubject: RC: Re: kimberwicksOne of my mares has a very low roof of her mouth. I used all sorts of jointed snaffles on her, even one of the sterling silver three link, but when I changed to a low port kimberwicke she relaxed completely. For her it's more comfortable and I almost never touch the reins. Fact is, if she decides that she's REALLY gonna run, I could have barbed wire in her mouth and it wouldn't make a hair of a difference. But she doesn't do that any more. I think she was running away from the banging of the bit on the top of her mouth.
Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Cairo, Egypt
So am I correct in thinking that a low port KW would 'feel' similar to the horse as a low port grazing bit, leverage aside? It would seem to me that the KW would be milder (which is what I am looking for), plus be better for lateral cues. What'cha think?
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