Re: [RC] Nick Warhol- Virginia City100 Ride Story- part 2 of4 - DreamWeaver
Wheres the pictures, we want pictures:{{{
oookay, I got one for you. This is part of one of the SOB's. Hopefully
this won't be TOO FLAT FOR ANYBODY!!
<bg> (it's steeper than
it looks, try it on foot For more photos of some of the
trail from VC, you can look at these from Washoe -- some of the trail is
the same -- like the
now I've gotta add another comment for Nick:
Ever tried to sleep a foot from one, with a horse eating all night? Every
movement of the horse=E2=80=99s head resulted in a loud squeak. It got s=
o bad that
Judy finally got up in the middle of the night and tied him to the traile=
GET A HI-TIE!! They are sooooo quiet. I mean
it. with 2 horses, the last couple of rides have been awesome. Wish I had
that thing last summer. I too used to have to deal with that gawd awful
squeak squeak squeak. Now it's totally quiet. No noise. Now I wake up
just to check and make sure the horses are still there. It's
great. Between that, Tammy's hay bags and having all of the buckets hooked
and rubber-bungeed to the trailer, we're all set. ~zzzzz
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