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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:35:58 GMT 2003
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    RE: [RC] [Guest] Junior rider sponsor - Linda Cowles

    >You can sponsor as many juniors as you want.  I did six at one ride.  The
    only thing is it takes longer to get three horses through a vet check than 1
    or two.  Have fun......maryben
    She says that as if it's sooooo easy - Ha!
    My favorite memory of the first endurance ride I observed was of Maryben
    heading up a string of four or five juniors. They came riding into the check
    with Maryben in front, then the oldest girl, followed by the next oldest
    down to the youngest... I marveled at the sight because these kids were so
    capable and responsible - they were kids with the composure of skilled
    Maryben could write the ultimate book on how to sponsor "as many juniors as
    you want" and do such a good job of it that they become what they dream of
    Linda Cowles
    Horse 'N Hound
    New and Used Tack and Stabling Supplies
    9155 North State Street
    Redwood Valley, California
    kadence@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:kadence@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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    Re: [RC] [Guest] Junior rider sponsor, Merryben