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    Re: [RC] camp songs: - Laurie Durgin

    Got it
    The trash goes marching truck by truck,ha-ra, ha-ra
    The trash goes marching truck by truck ha-ra ha-ra
    The couch is here, the carpets there
    And they all go down my trails
    Boom, boom, boom
    The dirt bikes go roaring by , ha-ra ha-ra
    The dirt bikes  go roaring by , ha-ra,ha-ra
    They dig the road , it fills with water
     roar around the curves, without  a bother
    Boom,boom, boom,
    The hunters go stealthly by, ha-ra,ha-ra
    The hunters go stealthly by, ha-ra,ha,ra
    They drop a deer, some fishies too
    Better wear orange or they'll get you
    And we all go whistling, . .down. . the  trail
    Because . . we're  all . .  addicted . . .Boom, boom boom
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: dpwg@xxxxxxxx
    Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 6:17 AM
    To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: [RC] camp songs:
    Hey Laurie
    How about "the Ants go marching down to the ground  to get out of the
    rain. Boom Boom Boom"?
    A great marching song. My horse would always pick up the marching
    beat and actually cover more ground. You can make up the words as you go
    (I have many times)
    Pat in Kansas

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