And just a note here--many of the horses at the WEG
were NOT purebred Arabs--and "tall" has to be determined within a bell curve for
each breed. 16h for a Russian Orlov is a fairly usual height, so one would
expect to find some reasonable quality in that range, whereas that is very
difficult in a breed such as the Arab where the normal range is much shorter and
the tall ones tend to be out of proportion. AIR, the winning horse, which
WAS an Arab, was described by at least source as not being particularly
tall--but I don't recall seeing the actual height. I recall something
about a horse being 15.1, but can't remember if that was Bowman, or if
that was the horse that Meg Wade rode to within a gnat's eyebrow of the
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 9:16
Subject: Re: [RC] What I Learned at
And those of us in the "know", know that Steph's horse that did the
French ride was REALLY REALLY tall and fit her fine! (Kruschev - a 16+h Orlov