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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:36:02 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] Helmets for Endurance
  • - Truman Prevatt
  • Prev by Date: RE: [RC] REACTION TO VACCINE?
  • - heidi

    Re: [RC] REACTION TO VACCINE? - Truman Prevatt

    I believe Karen Chanton had a reaction from the strangles IN sometime back. It should be in the archievs.


    Mike Sofen wrote:
    I stand corrected on it being a bacterial infection rather than a virus (I
    write software, so everything is a "virus" these days<g>), but she described
    symptoms that were far beyond a "transient sore throat, swelling".  How do
    you explain a horse suddenly developing such dramatic symptoms tied timewise
    so completely with her inoculations?  What if the WNV vaccine causes an
    immune system reaction that allows for other biological responses?
    Since I had a very healthy horse who contracted strangles through "no
    contact with other horses" but got it following a routine vet procedure, and
    since I've heard this type of story several times, and since a couple of the
    vets I talked with at the time mentioned the anecdotal evidence of
    "carriers", why do you say that only a fraction of a percent of horses might
    harbor it?  Do we have proof one way or another?
    Strangles, for me, continues to be one of those horse mysteries.
    Mike Sofen
    -----Original Message-----
    Those are the classic symptoms of strangles - copious mucous, coughing,
    elevated temp, swelling behind/under the jawbone, depressed, don't want
    to move.  There has been talk of individual horses carrying the virus in
    their systems for years, waiting for a trigger event...something that
    compromises their immune system in a way that allows the virus to become
    active.  It may be that one of the vaccines was the trigger for an older
    horse like yours. Even though strangles is highly contagious, your other
    horses may not get it, so that's not proof.  They have to do a culture.
    First off, strangles is NOT a virus--it is caused by a streptococcus
    bacteria.  Second, no, horses do NOT harbor this bug for years, except
    perhaps in that fraction of a percent who wall off internal abcesses.
    However, it CAN live in the environment for years.  Third, the vaccine is
    a live bacteria, but is sufficiently altered that it is not actually
    strangles--but it CAN cause a transcient sore throat, swelling, etc.
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