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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:35:23 GMT 2003
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    FW: [RC] Preparedness - Roy Drinnan

    In regards to Steve's comments on preparedness.
    I fully support a plan for an emergency, but let me throw a little caution
    in there.
    Fire (and other disasters) ar scarey, but let a somewhat cool head prevail.
    I am a fire chief in a rural fire department, a fire investigator and a
    horse owner.  Last summer we had the largest forest fire in Nova Scotia with
    in two miles of our farm.  I do have a little experience in this area.
    Be sure evacuation is the best plan. Getting stuck along the road can be
    worse than staying put. out.
    Evaluate wind direction (it can change for the worse) and fuel loads.  Fuel
    loads are very important.  Animals in fair sized pasture with little grass
    are some what safe.  I would not want them in the direct path of a wildfire,
    but there is little chance of a major fire buring without fuel (grass,
    bushes etc).
    If the coast is clear for evacuation, go that route.  but be sure before you
    leave that leaving is the best option.
    What is that saying ? Haste makes waste.  Most fireground tragedies happen
    because of haste.
    Whe have a saying in the fire service; A sucking chest wound is natures way
    of telling you to slow down.  (a little graphic, but it makes the point)
    Roy Drinnan
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