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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:35:23 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] horse with a hard mouth???????????? - Vicki Austin

    Don't forget as well the elastic feel you must have in your hands, so the horse feels the live feel of gentle give and take of ask and reward.  Force never works to make a horse round and soft and willing to work, only makes them LOOK right without BEING right.
    If you really look at a horse that is being forced, you will notice that the back (just behind the saddle) is not up and round, although the neck will be flexed.  Roundness comes from seat and legs (not the neck) asking constantly to move forward, and lowering, the haunches, at the same time asking with very quiet and vibrating hands to be soft and to yeald the jaw and lift the shoulders.  You will knowtice the gait soften and have more lift and bounce.
    A thinking, happy horse will be gently chewing the bit and salivating.  He will look like he is having fun even though he may be working very hard.
    You can actually work a horse in a light short shank hackamore just as easily as a snaffle bit, only it is not allowed in shows, it is a good way to start if the horse is unhappy in a bit. You give and take the same way and it actually feels the same in your hands. This can even be done on trail and gives them something to think about as you warm them up before a long ride. (be it training or competition)          Vicki