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    Re: [RC] Question to ask when buying... - Barbara McCrary

    My standard question when looking for a horse to buy is, "What is the worst
    thing you can say about him?"  If I can deal with the answer, I buy the
    horse, if not, I pass.
    Barbara McCrary
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "AprJhn" <AprJhn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    To: <walkergirl@xxxxxxxxxx>; <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 5:47 AM
    Subject: Re: [RC] Question to ask when buying...
    > I won't comment as to the finances, but selling due to lack of time, but
    then would consider a trade, I can see that. Consider the following senario.
    > I have a young, green, spooky Saddlebred gelding. I work on him for
    several days straight, doing despook training and the like. Then I can't get
    to him for about 2 weeks due to kids being sick, husband pitching a "no
    horses" fit, my work, ok, the rest of my life. I finally get back to my
    horse and he's back to square one. I realize I just don't have the time to
    work with this young gelding. So I decide to sell him due to no time.
    > But I'd consider trading for my friend's 13 year old gelding. Totally
    mature, rarely spooks, can be left alone (training wise) for 2 years
    (literally) and then ridden like he'd been ridden every single day for the
    past 2 years.
    > Totally plausible senario. Course, hopefully, that would come out when you
    ask the question of why you're selling. :)
    > Just a thought.
    > April
    > Nashville, TN
    > "A. Perez" <walkergirl@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    > >1. Why are you selling. I'm always surprised by the ads that
    > >say they are selling due to finances or lack of time, but then
    > >go on to state they will consider taking another horse in
    > >trade. Hmm....
    > <snip>
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    Re: [RC] Question to ask when buying..., AprJhn