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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:35:25 GMT 2003
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  • - A. Perez

    Re: [RC] Dixie Midnight pad: which way up? - C. Eyler

    You'll find that this info is provided when you read the literature that
    comes with the DM vent pad -- but the softer, uneven side goes against the
    horse's back and the firm, smooth side goes up.
    >   Just got an early Christmas gift from my dear sister,
    > a Dixie Midnight no-sweat vent pad, for my oh-so-sweaty TWH.
    > Can't WAIT to try it.  Question: it has a 'smooth' side and a
    > 'rough' side: does it matter which side is agaisnt the horse?
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    [RC] Dixie Midnight pad: which way up?, A. Perez