I have great success with
Iodine or Betadine solution (iodine stays on area better) after cleaning
area of scabs and hair (clipper if you can) with betadine scrub treat area
beyond sore that looks healthy as the fungal spores live in hair and can be in
healthy surrounding area. The idea here is to dry it up. I find this
works really well and if need be use a antifungal crème. Stay away from
greasy mist products.
This also works well for
scratches but I apply Desitin as well after iodine so it protects from moisture
and eliminates the secondary cracking.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 2:43
Subject: [RC] Ringworm
Hello, i tried to search the archives for remedys to
ring worm but can't find anything. I've been treating with captan for
months and it doesn't seem to go away. I used bag balm on the crusty
skin. If anyone would have another remedy for this i'd be greatly
appreciative. Its the first time i've ever had this problem and i wonder
if it is more prone to greys? Also, in my search i see that it may be
contacted by humans? thanks,tom