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    Re: [RC] maping, marking and GPS - Frank W. Vans Evers

    there are already organizations doing this, I don't remember where I
    read about it, but I always take a compass on trail rides
    Charles wrote:
    > I can see the start of a new sport.  Equine Orienteering.  Wonder if I can
    > patent or trademark it.
    > Charles
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: "Linda B. Merims" <lbm@xxxxxxxxx>
    > To: <cdy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    > Cc: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    > Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 11:33 AM
    > Subject: maping, marking and GPS
    > > Charles" <cdy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> said:
    > >
    > > >1) Are maps of the trails provided?  I tried orienteering
    > > >years ago, and they provided a map for us to use.  Turns
    > > >out the Orienteering group had cartographers and
    > > >cartographers friends who would go out and make
    > > >maps or update old maps
    > >
    > > LOL!   I, too, am a map addict.  However, as a Ride
    > > Manager one of the things you quickly discover
    > > is that the ability to read a map is actually quite
    > > rare.  Most people have no clue where they are,
    > > and couldn't find their starting place on a map,
    > > much less keep track of where they are during
    > > a ride using a map.  It's actually been one of the
    > > big challenges of recruiting trail markers.  Many
    > > of the people who volunteer to mark trail can't
    > > read and follow the map showing them where
    > > to mark!
    > >
    > > Again, one can't make the mistake of assuming that
    > > one's riders have the same map-reading skills that
    > > you do.  Odds are that they don't.
    > >
    > > 'Sides, in endurance, most people don't want to
    > > stop to look at maps to figure out where they are.
    > >
    > > 2) Is there a standard marking system?
    > >
    > > No.  Even just here in Massachusetts, there are *at
    > > least* two flag-based marking systems in common use.  I
    > > once came to an intersection of *four* marked trails
    > > where, by the marking system I was familiar with,
    > > any one of the four trails was a valid turn.  I
    > > wasn't aware that this club used a slightly different
    > > marking system and--under their system--the
    > > four-way intersection was unambiguously marked.
    > > Now I *always* ask before I go out.
    > >
    > > Linda B. Merims
    > > lbm@xxxxxxxxx
    > > Massachusetts, USA
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
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    Re: [RC] maping, marking and GPS, Charles