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    Re: [RC] Weight of horse compared to rider - Joe Long

    On Fri, 06 Sep 2002 11:54:02 -0700, Bette Lamore <woa@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    >So I am saying that IMHO that horse is too small for that man. I know 
    >Heidi doesn't like me bringing this subject up again (we have had our 
    >differences in the past re: BIG Arabs--- me standing a 16.2 Purebred 
    >Arab stallion put me in the pro position with her breeding her smaller 
    >Arabs putting her in the con position) BUT, I'll tell you my husband 
    >feels MUCH more comfortable on his 16h Arabian gelding and feels he is 
    >pushing the envelope when he is on anything smaller than a 15.2h horse. 
    >I guess it is partly a matter of personal preference and then maybe 
    >someone should ask the horse! ;-)
    Just as breeders can produce "toy" dogs and miniature horses, it is
    possible to breed outlandishly tall Arabians.  I think it's sad,
    though, that the American obsession with "bigger is better" is
    producing such animals.  I sure wouldn't recommend such an outsized
    horse to anyone to use in endurance, though.  The Arabs knew what they
    were doing when over thousands of years they bred those compact,
    athletic, beautiful horses.  If they wanted something tall, there were
    always camels.
    That's my two cents on it.
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    [RC] Weight of horse compared to rider, Ridecamp Guest
    Re: [RC] Weight of horse compared to rider, Bette Lamore