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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:34:24 GMT 2003
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    [RC] carbohydrate fuel > - Roger Rittenhouse

    Sandy - The reason I prefer a long to medium chain poly-sacarride?? sp
    maltodextrose is because of the SLOW uptake.
    Honey is too fast for me.. OD is very easy with simple sugars
    Also most of the carb products use chromium  to control the insulin
    swings and potential over shoot you get with simple sugars.
    Since the product I have from Uckele contains no chromium - not the
    same as
    other products I have used and tested, I am going to use less until I
    see how it fuels the work load.
    Dont think I want to talk about this on RC anymore
    Dont want more carbo wars..
    .. so lets go offline??
    Roger R
    > From: "Sandy Terp" <hotspots@xxxxxxxx>
    > Subject:
    > Roger I've been doing a lot of thinking along the carbo lines.  I also =
    > supplement beginning at the first hold and until I get home.  Why not =
    > use honey?  If you look at the makeup it would appear to be less of a =
    > sugar rush then most.
    > Sandy Terp
     Roger                          mailto:roger@xxxxxxxxxxx
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