[RC] Ever notice? - Sweetie10989
Hi Everyone,
Did anyone in this list ever notice that the email is ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx? And not ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxx So, why don't we quit talking about sheath cleaning and get on with endurance. There are plenty of things we can say. I for one, can't say much, considering that I'm a younger person, and I'm a newbie, but still, I signed up for ridecamp to learn about endurance, and not about all the other stuff that has been said around here. Some people take it offensively, and others need to understand that. They can send it to the people they want, privately, just not out to the whole ridecamp members. I know that everyone doesn't feel this way, but I know a number of people that do feel like talking about the things you all have been talking about is going a little "over the edge".