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    [RC] Algae in water tanks - Snodgrass, Bonnie

    I've been trying to find some info about prevention of algae in water tanks.
    I use 75 and 100 gal tanks for horse water. I like to dump them fairly
    frequently to get rid of dirty, cloudy water. I have hay dippers that really
    crud up a tank fast. So I don't want to use goldfish in the tanks. I was
    wondering if clorine tablets of bleach could be used. I know that household
    bleach can be used in emergencies to disinfect drinking water supplies. But
    is it useful against algae and is it safe? What qty per gal? I've read about
    copper sulphate but in reference to large tanks and ponds to prevent growth
    of dangerous blue/green algae that produces toxins.
    Has anyone used mosquito dunks in their tanks?
    Bonnie Snodgrass
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