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    Re: [RC] Sheath Cleaning - DeAnn Schnepple

    Geeees.  People.  Can't we all just get along!!  Amber just likes to joke around.  She's a great writer and if you don't like what she might say--delete, delete!!!!!
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Dbeverly4@xxxxxxx
    Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 11:08 PM
    To: amber.apple@xxxxxxxxxxx; woa@xxxxxxxxxxxx
    Cc: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: Re: [RC] Sheath Cleaning
    In a message dated 8/29/2002 8:10:55 PM Pacific Standard Time, amber.apple@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:

    PRIME TIME TV! or video games, or MTV, or
    Saturday Morning Cartoons, or the violence in ones own home, or Little
    League Games, or Football, Hockey, Olympic Games, President Clinton, All the
    religious STARS making millions off the sheep while they are porking
    prostitutes, church secretaries, or the family dog.

    Dear Lower Case Amber:  Good grief!  You so far crossed the line that I'm sure you can't even remember where it was.  This is enough.  This is an endurance riding list.  Its not a list about how you contaminated a crime scene , or about porking anything, or even how much weed you smoked (clearly alot).  Its an endurance list and that doesn't mean enduring your banal chatter about stuff that MOST of us could care less about.  Take this obscene stuff off list would ya?  BTW are you related to Carla the Pizza girl?  I have a suspiscion that you are.

    Blocking you from my e-mail because I really could care less what your response is. 


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