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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:33:48 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] WNV - vaccinated horse death
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    Re: [RC] WNV - vaccinated horse death - heidi

    > I seem to remember Howard asking if there were any deaths in vaccinated
    > horses- my husband is the NY state vet in this area, and receives info
    > from many places.  This is part of an email dated 8/27/02 from the
    >     Pennsylvania Dept of Agriculture Emergency Management and
    >     Information Network:
    > "*A second equine case has been reported in PA; a pony in Mifflin
    > County was euthanized last week due to neurologic signs and
    > pre-existing arthritis.  The pony was serologically positive on IgM at
    > NVSL, and was reportedly advanced in age and reported to have been
    > vaccinated according to the vaccine manufacturer's recommendation for
    > WNV."
    Don't forget that NO vaccine has a 100% efficacy rate--there are always
    those individuals who will not respond to a given vaccine by mounting an
    appropriate immune response.  In addition, those individuals may well be
    the most immunologically incompetent in a given group, and hence also more
    apt to show symptoms and succumb to the disease as well.  At this time,
    the efficacy of WNV vaccine is not entirely known--although I've seen
    various numbers over 90% thrown around from various sources.  That's not
    all that bad.  But the fact remains that there WILL be a small percentage
    of vaccinated animals that are still susceptible--doesn't mean that there
    is anything wrong with the vaccine per se, but just illustrates the
    biological reality that not all immune systems are created equal.
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    [RC] WNV - vaccinated horse death, Laura Hayes