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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:33:50 GMT 2003
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    RE: [RC] WNV patterns - Maryanne Stroud Gabbani

    Living in germ heaven, and being sort of weird anyway, I monitor some
    epidemiology lists. (Hey, it's a great change from corporate corruption and
    stupid bankers!) The creatures that are REALLY getting whacked by WNV are
    your birds. Hopefully they will bounce back tougher. Crows may not be
    beautiful, but they are very useful.
    Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
    Cairo, Egypt
    Contrary to all the WN being in Howard's back yard this is what we are
    seeing in FL. Much worse last year. Since this is a fairly mild conditon
    anyway it seems that Maryanne is right on track. The are now saying in
    humans may young people get it and don't even know it. It's the old
    geezers that seem to be at risk. Hopefully we vaccinated for the last
    time for this.
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    Re: [RC] WNV patterns, Truman Prevatt