[RC] You Know That You're Horse Crazy When... - Sweetie10989
You know you're horse crazy when you...
1. Cluck to your dog or cat to get them to come to you.
2. Put your hand on the back of your car when you're walking around it.
3. You clean your car tires excessively, just to make sure.
4. You squeeze through the door so your spouse won't get out.
5. When you're at the park with your son/daughter you sit on the slide and say giddyup.
6. Begin to call your husband or wife by your horses name.
7. Instead of asking if it's a boy or a girl, you say is it a colt or a filly?
8. When going to get your male cat nuetered you say to the vet, I'm here to geld my cat.
9. Start posting on your chair at the dinner table and when someone asks "What the heck are you doing" you say, "I don't like a sitting trot"
10. Call in to your work and say you can't come to work because you have "horse... i mean a fever"
Enjoy, add on, and pass on!