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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:33:10 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Heidi : Roger Mason Jerk - heidi

    > Brian Dozer Roughtadenow@xxxxxxxxxxx
    > Oh Hiedi, what kettle are you using now. I think it is BLACK. As an
    > AERC member you did not do a very good job repersenting us as a ride
    > manager, when you bounced checks to the US forest service, and AERC.
    > Failed to clean your camp sites, failed to unmark your trail, failed to
    > apply propper permits for your ride on public lands, failed to pay for
    > ride insurance,and lied to the forest service about not collecting
    > entry fees. And when you failed to turn in results from a competative
    > ride for IAHA and also failed to pay the fees, they did the right thing
    > and suspended you from the orgization.  HUM now you represent ?WHO?
    > Brian Dozer
    Brian, why do I have the feeling that your e-mail likely won't work and
    that you are another anonymous finger pointer?  Whoever you are, you might
    want to check your facts before making accusations.  Check with Oregon
    ride managers Linda and Dennis Tribby and Sara Miller about the facts
    regarding my alleged violations with the USFS--they were witnesses in the
    case I brought against the USFS, which incidentally, I WON in federal
    court, attempting to protect YOUR trails.  Unfortunately, not enough
    individuals stand up for their rights through proper channels, and little
    wonder--when one considers the three years of harrassment and sabotage I
    went through as a result.  Ask the ride managers above about my alleged
    "violations"--they were there and supported me.  Ask Sara about how a
    section of trail that SHE cleared for me was re-marked by a disgruntled
    individual, using different marking methods than were used on the ride. 
    Interesting, huh?  Ask Dennis about the USFS regs that were in place at
    the time, and how they specifically exempted endurance rides from the
    regulations that we were forced to abide by.  I think those who lived
    through that nightmare with me would also be glad to discuss your other
    allegations with you--but I doubt you'd be interested in the facts.  As
    for bounced checks--I've yet to manage a ride where I didn't get at least
    two or three bounced checks from participants--took me a year one time to
    collect one from a fellow AERC member whose husband had cleaned out her
    checking account, and who didn't realize what checks were outstanding at
    the time--and who had changed her address as well due to the domestic
    problems.  She has my sympathies, and I will still take her checks.  Have
    I had financial problems such as that?  Yes, I have.  Have I made my
    checks good?  Yes, as soon as I was advised of any problem.  As to
    IAHA--they received their results in a timely fashion, and as they do with
    so many other things (sweepstakes money, registrations, etc.), they lost
    them.  Funny thing, if they've suspended me, they've never told me about
    it.  You'd think if I were suspended, I'd've heard about it when I paid my
    dues and showed some of my horses at a relatively recent dressage show.
    I'll stand on the truth any time.  You can have all the fun you want with
    any other gossip and damage that has been done to me.  It is amazing the
    lengths to which some people will go to tear down others.
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    [RC] Heidi : Roger Mason Jerk, Ridecamp Guest