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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:33:12 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Boarding Barn Nightmare - Jennifer Thompson

    Stephanie, I think your first priority should always be your own horse - and luckily you got her out of there before they could do her any more harm.....

    But I can't help thinking about those poor horses left in their care, to be beaten and abused.

    Can you and some other boarders file a report with Animal Control, stating you've witnessed the beatings, and also you know that they don't always feed the horses?  Too bad you did get some pics or video of the beatings.  :(


    C1dragoo@xxxxxxx wrote:

    Stephanie, I am so sorry this happened to you and your horse! I can't, well yes I can believe someone would stoop so low as to try and kill your horse. I am very thankful you finally got her  out of there. I would try and warn people about their practices while being carefull not to slander them. Just tell them your story. Let us know what happens with the breed associations and animal control.

    Good luck and give your baby a hug from all of us!
