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    [RC] Helmets - JerryK3000

    I've read all the ride camp postings on helmets, falls, cracked helmets, 
    etc., etc. It seems to me after an accident happens many riders start wearing 
    one. Riding horses, lets face it, can be dangerous to your health. Personally 
    I would not go out without one.
    I have a very close friend who I've tried to convince, but it's like beating 
    your head against the wall trying to get him to wear one. This person is not 
    a dumb person, just does not like helmets. So I guess that's the way it is. 
    It's his personal choice, but it would ruin my whole day if he got hurt and 
    it was preventable with something as simple as a helmet.
    I would like to hear from riders that do not wear one to post on ride camp 
    why they don't wear one. I'm trying to see the logic. But, maybe I shouldn't 
    be looking for logic.
    Jerry Koenig 1348
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