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    Re: [RC] [RC] why DVM in results? - Nancy Mitts

    If you're talking about the results in AERC news, I think that when the office enters the rider's membership number it automatically spits out the members name as recorded in AERC records. Being thus branded as a DVM means that us ride managers can pick on them to vet our rides if needed. ;->
    Nancy Mitts

    From: Jon.Linderman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: [RC]   why DVM in results?
    Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 15:57:56 -0400

    I am just curious why riders or ride managers opt to put DVM after the name
    of those competitors who are vets?  I am not dissing vets........god bless
    them all, particularly those that work at events.  But when you are riding
    in an event I'd think we are all the same.  Right? Any vet I have ever
    ridden with was just Ken, Jim, or Theresa, and I was always Jon, just as
    when I have ridden with graphic artists, MBA's, school teachers (w/or w/out
    a masters), physicians, construction engineers, etc. I never see MD, PhD,
    CPA, LVN, "perfromance artist", "erotic dancer", "sanitary engineer" or
    anything else in  ride results next to a competitors name, so is there some
    convention here I am missing? Please don't say it is because it is an
    equine event.  There are PLENTY of humans who compete in athletics who are
    well titled who compete as "Just Bob".

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