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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:31:51 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: [RC] Hello From Australia
  • - Gregory N Henry
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    [RC] Hello from Australia - Gregory N Henry

    Hi to all at ride camp.

    My name is Greg and I live in Tasmania(Island State of Australia) I have
    been Endurance Riding for about 12 years now and am preparing me Pure Arab
    Stallion for the 2002 Tom Quilty (Similar to your Tevis
    Cup)."Matey"(Bellawongarah Ibn Riaal) is a seasoned horse and has over 3000
    successful Kilometres including one Tom Quilty completion in 1999.

    I have been reading with interest the posts on Vet cards and how much

    Could someone enlighten me on the vetting procedure that is used in the

    In Australia each horse has a Log Book. There are two stages. A blue book is
    for a novice horse and the yellow book is for horses that have satisfied the
    criteria for an endurance horse. These books are waterproof paper and can't
    be tampered with.Vetting parameters are very strict.

    A normal vetting flows something like this. Horse arrives back at base has
    1/2 hour to recover below 55bpm(after first leg subsequent legs 60bpm)
    Report to TPR steward Temperature Pulse and Respiration taken .if above
    above parameters horse is vetted out. If Ok then on to the vet who does a
    thorough check of pulse gut sounds, cap refill,skin recoil, mucus membranes,
    alertness, feet & legs back, muscle tone anal tone and then the trot out.

    This procedure is used for 80Km rides For 160Km rides the CRI method is
    usually used.

    Anyone who is interested in our rule book check out
    www.aera.asn.au the
    website of Australia's governing endurance body.

    On training an old endurance rider told me it takes an hour a day for a
    thousand days to have an endurance horse that will run at the front of the
    field. I have found this not to be too wrong. Now that Matey is well
    conditioned we usually train three or four times a week alternating between
    9 Km and 20Km tracks. I am very lucky as I ride out my gate virtually into
    Forestry land where I can ride for hours. Once per month I try to do my
    training on the beach. This is about an hour from home. My usual training
    pace is about 9-10Km per hour.

    Cheers Greg
