There is a progesterone implant that goes in just
under the skin, and will suppress ovarian activity for several months. One
can also give progesterone injections--their length of activity can vary from
mare to mare, but they will usually work for a few weeks. Someone already
mentioned Regumate--which is an oral daily dosage of synthetic
progesterone. The Regumate is the most expensive, I understand the
implants are moderately priced (haven't used them), and the injections are
relatively cheap.
Most mares do just fine with being spayed (there is
always some risk in doing any intraabdominal surgical procedure) but the advice
to try the Regumate before springing for the surgery is very good--if the
Regumate doesn't help, the surgery likely won't help, either.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 10:26
Subject: Re: [RC] Spayed
What is this "implant?" Is there something that can be
implanted in a mare to stop heats? Any shots, other suggestions rather
than having her spayed?