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    Re: [RC] FW: [RC-Digest] Vol: 02.0474 - Laurie Durgin

    I would think a saddle repairer could make extentions.Especially on nylon.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Reeves, Brian
    Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 1:49 PM
    To: 'ridecamp'
    Subject: [RC] FW: [RC-Digest] Vol: 02.0474

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Reeves, Brian 
    Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 1:40 PM
    To: 'ridecamp-digest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    Subject: RE: [RC-Digest] Vol: 02.0474

    >Dreamazon smcdonald@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    >My fiance has been looking for a synthetic or lightweight trail
    >saddle for his new horse for about three months now.  Everywhere we
    >go, it seems the distributors are saying he has to get it made
    >custom for the length of his legs.  He is 6'4, and I know there are
    >other tall men out there riding!  We do not want to pay more for the
    >saddle than the horse, and that is what we've been face with.  Does
    >anyone know of saddlemakers that include long fenders as an option?
    >Or is there any way to order fenders separately for a saddle?  I do
    >not know where to look for this.  Any help would be greatly
    >appreciated.  fyi...we are looking for a 17-inch, full-quarter-horse
    >bars saddle with long fenders (he is looking primarily for a
    >western-type saddle).  It would be great if we could find something
    >synthetic or lighter weight since he is so big.  We will use it
    >primarily on trail and need to go fairly long distances.  Thanks in
    >advance for any help

    I am 6'3" and I ride in a Bighorn endurance saddle. I like the older models
    better than the newer ones.
    The fenders come down just enough and I have a little bit of room to adjust
    up or down. The saddle is based on a qua
    rter tree, and after 3000 miles of competition and numerous thousands of
    training miles, it still is very comfy for my horse and I. You can get them
    new for around $450.00

    and you can get them with or without a saddle horn.
    Hope this helps

    Brian Reeves
    West Region

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