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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:31:20 GMT 2003
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  • - Tiffany D'Virgilio
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  • - Tiffany D'Virgilio

    [RC] A sad end for Penny - Colleen Egleston

    I wrote to ridecamp a few days algo about my rescue from the reputable Arabian breeder/ horse dealer.  Her name was Penny.  She was old enough to vote and drink.  She was one of the sweetest mares I have ever had the pleasure to meet.  She was 16.2 hands and chestnut like a bright copper penny, with a left hand sock.
    When I rescued her, only three short weeks and four days ago she was a rack of bones, rode into a sale ring by a woman, two kids and a dog.  I bought her for $400.  I immediately wormed her and started to introduce her to Equine Senior, Strategy, Yucca and Cocosoya oil.  She gained weight FAST.
    Two weeks after I had her she hit the fence, reared up and went lame.  I had left her untied while she ate her breakfast in the yard and she tried to get back in the pasture to get a drink and hit the hot wire.  I never should have left her untied.
    Last Saturday Penny went down and couldn't get up, we tried for hours in the pouring rain.  We called the vet and just before we were to euthanise her, we gave it one more try.  She got to her feet.
    Today we woke up to find her down again.  We had moved her to the backyard so we could check throughout the night from our bedroom and living room windows.  I thought she would get up again.  I was wrong, after three hours of struggling in the hot sun, Penny gave up.  She was tired and had fought a good fight, but her hind legs no longer had the strength to support her body.  I placed wrapped ice packs at her pulse points to cool her and rubbed her head and told her just how beautiful and wonderful she was.
    With my husband holding her head up, (she was too tired to do this herself), I said goodbye to Penny and the vet humanly euthanised her.  She is buried down by the creek, near a stand of red pine.  I placed some roses and glads in a vase on her grave and wrote her name in rocks over her.  She deserved so much more in her life, I am saddened that I only knew her beautiful personality for three short weeks.  Hug your horses.