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    [RC] Illegal Substance List!!!! - Joane Pappas White

    Hi All,
    I was reading my horsescience newsletter from TI and came across this wonderfully helpful post from one of Tom's subscribers.  Since I don't really have her permission to use her express post, I'll just share the information and if she gives me her permission, I'll tell you who to thank!
    Message: 13
       Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 14:10:01 -0700
    Subject: RE: nutriceuticals

    >Recently there was a post or two concerning possible positives from
    >Valerian. Is anyone aware of any other possible positives from
    >nutriceuticals such as Devil Claw, etc?

    If you are interested in USA Equestrian/FEI rules, this page may be useful:


    Devil's Claw is specifically listed as an example of a forbidden substance.

    This page describing the laboratory procedures may also be of interest:


    In addition, you can call USA Eq in Lexington directly if you have a
    question. I understand they are helpful.
    The Websites are GREATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!   But even more helpful are the lab procedures. 
    Joane and the Herd
    Price, Utah