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It is a bone thrown to us lowly peasants from the Ivory Towers that the
politicians live in. It is easy to make a grand sounding proclamation which
means and costs nothing. It is quite another to open OUR lands for US to
use. They will continue to close them until we form a political lobby with
enough CASH to influence them to do otherwise. We just need to contribute
more than the environmentalists do - and the politicos will be our best
friends. Did you hear that Gov. Grayout Doufus just signed his SUV penalties
into law to appease the greens, then tool $70,000 from a refinery and allowed
them to dump 10 times the legal limit of Dioxin into the SF bay? That is how
it works. Money is the Mother's Milk of politics and you just have to get
their greedy mouths onto your favorite teat. :o)
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