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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:31:21 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: [RC] ANother Tevis sory part 1
  • - Kirk and Tara Rothwell
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  • - JUDYK89

    [RC] another tevis sory part 1a - Kirk and Tara Rothwell

    orignal part one did not go through due to size so I have broke it up.
    Tara and T

    Just before going under the highway we passed some water, and  one of the horses ahead wanted a drink. Mom said she sure would like it if I drank that early in a ride, but I wasn?t interested. One of the riders behind us started yelling at the horse?s rider to go on he didn?t need water so early. That horse probably did though. Seems like it s hard to drink enough before a race when you spend so much time in a trailer the day before.

    Up to squaw we headed. We were in a large group of riders in the middle of the pack. They were still going slower than I liked but things were getting better. The riders were real friendly. Here, though, was our first mistake, we should have started closer to the front. Back here we losing time.

    Finally we could see the slopes of squaw. The sun was up and mom was starting to sweat having dressed for a more typical Sierra morning. This morning seemed quite warm already and it was only 6ish. Finally we were free of the pack. I would have gladly trotted up that hill but mom wanted to walk. I don?t think she realized how important it was to make time to Robinson Flat. We crested Watson monument and stopped and I got some nasty electrolytes but then mom let me graze for a bit. Boy was the vegetation lush up there.

    The trail then tuned awful. I was perfectly happy to pick my way slowly through the mine field. We passed a guy who didn?t look too good (tired). Horse looked fine though. And then we left picking through the big and little rock boulders. Wasn?t bad. Like those rides that we do up at Lakes Basin, except for all that slippery water and mud. At one spot I decided to drink and put my head down, stepped on the reins and then jerked my head up. Well the bridle broke and I got a nice cut on my lip. Mom fixed the cut so it stopped bleeding. And put the reins on the halter. Good thing I had that halter on, but then again I am so good mom could of rode me with a prayer string. Slowly we went off again. After a while the trail got better and we started trotting.

    At Lyons ridge we stopped and I did my job- drank and munched on some hay. Mom?s job is pace and direction, she was starting to seem worried about time. We left with a group of horses (3). Mom recognized the rider in front, apparently she reads her articles about training. I think she also liked the fact that from the back she was reminded of her good smokejumper friend, Margarita Phillips. So mom set me up to tag along behind. The riders weren?t too friendly and I know mom thought I needed some horse company but really we should have just passed by and moved along. I don?t mind being alone I always have mom with me! Mom found out that between them the riders had many (20?) Tevis completions. They were confident that we would get to Robinson Flat by 1115. Mom knew instinctively that the pace wasn?t right for that but didn?t listen, these riders and their horses had experience, something we didn?t have.