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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:31:22 GMT 2003
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    [RC] home needed for 15 yr. old pinto/arab - DAldr94141

    Hi everyone. I'm between a rock and a hard place. I bought a dbl. reg. pinto/arab gelding for X amount of dollars about 2 yrs. ago. At the time, my daughter was interested in riding her appy so I needed something to ride for a couple of years till my baby went to the trainer.  We did the Chicken Chase (came in 11th in the 25) and Elk Valley in P.A. Did the 25 there also. This horse had a great endurance/CTR life and has his Legion of Honor.
    But, at the end of last year, he was playing in my pasture with my 3 yr. old and he pulled (not torn) his left front suspensory ligament. I took him to a well respected track vet and he did xrays and ultrasound to come up with the diagnosis. Well, he said just lay him up for a few months, from Nov. till April and blister. Well, I used Rubbing Castor Oil as a blister(thank to the amish), laid him up in a corral and gave him some pasture to walk around in. He healed extremely well. Took him to the Amish for front shoes with rim pads.
    Took him back to track vet and he said I did a great job and that he could be doing 25's by this fall if I worked on it and to ride him slowly 3-4 times a week at a walk for a few weeks then work to a trot. Well, since I have 2 jobs, kids and 2 other horses (a baby who also needs ridden 3 times per week), I literally had no time. I worked on it for a couple of weeks and even had someone else ride for me. That ended because that person bought a horse.  Well, now he's lame again. Don't know how he did it, but I think it was my fault I didn't have time to strengthen him.
    To make a long story short (too late), I need to sell him. Cheap. My only other option is to take him to auction but I really don't want to do that. I can't afford to keep him any longer. I guess I'm a bad mom. I'm asking anyone out there if you'd be interested in this beautiful bay tobiano gelding to maybe work his way to wellness or to use as a pasture mate to another horse.  Please write asap. I'll take best offer. I'm in Ohio.
    Thank you for your time!! Deb