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    [RC] Fw: Correction re Spider at Tevis - Joan Dowis

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Jon Steven
    Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 8:19 PM
    Subject: Correction


    Hi Shannon,


    I was reading your website and stumbled across this section below:




    At the awards ceremony on Sunday, President Dick Nogelberg announced to the gathering that indeed a tragedy had occurred during the ride and a horse had died during the night on a portion of the trail between Foresthill and Franciscos. The rider was not hurt, but the horse did tumble over the embankment to its death. Gratefully, death came quickly as determined by head veterinarian Jamie Kerr¹s examination. President Dick also commended the rescuers of a second horse who tumbled off the trail almost to the river; again the rider was unharmed. The horse, although tired and scraped, did not sustain any long-term injuries and was carefully examined by ride veterinarians. He was returned by the ride¹s rescue team, which included the president of the Western States Trail Foundation, to its owner on Sunday at the fairgrounds in Auburn.




    I wanted to let you know that this is not correct. Spider was (as you know) not returned to me at the fairgrounds by the volunters. I couldn?t live with myself if I had been waiting at the fairgrounds while someone else went and got my horse.





    Jon Steven


    Gates Canyon Inc


