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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:30:51 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Ground Control shoes over time - Truman Prevatt

    I don't know about these shoes but I used a flexible shoe some years on a horse I had to ride some on pavement. I think they were called "flexstep." Anyway that is exactly what happened with these shoes.


    sharp penny wrote:

    Hello list,

     I was wondering if anyone has been using these GC shoes
    over any length of time and lots of miles?

     There have been reports from some very respected CTR
    people, (Cheri Jeffcoat, Mary Anna Woods, Ken and Betty
    Wolgram to name a few) that over time (3+ months) and lots
    of conditioning miles the expansion and contraction of the
    shoe causes the hoof wall to break out. They say that you
    can see the wear pattern where the nail has worked within
    the hoof and over time the stress of the nail moving seems
    to cause the hoof wall to weaken and breakout. In some
    cases the nail have actually sheared off.

      My GC shoes just arrived in the mail yesterday and now
    I'm thinking about sending them back and just sticking with
    regular steel shoes. I had such high hopes for these


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    [RC] Ground Control shoes over time, sharp penny