>Subject: Jazzy
>Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 21:26:46 -0700
>I just wanted everyone to know that we got the test results back and Jazzy came out just fine. Unfortunately, we didn't have a toxicology test done (we didn't think of it at the time) so we will probably never know what caused the incident to begin with. The good news is that she is steadily improving so I think we can stop worrying about neurological diseases. She is beginning to act like her old self. She still needs to gain a little weight and some strength. She's back to nickering when she sees us, and following us around in her paddock for more and more pets. Except for her knee, which will take about another three weeks to heal completely, her legs, joints, and back end seem to be fine. She has no problem getting up anymore, except of course for the knee. That's only a problem because of the bandage, which is flexible but still a little cumbersome. When she kept falling she scrapped it up real bad, and I can remember skinned knees take forever to heal. It's terrible to have a sick foal, but it does have it's go
od points. She's real good about taking medicine and getting doctored up. She is also now trailer trained. She has no problem with you rubbing towels all over her body or standing still for bandaging. Hopefully we won't have to do any of those bad things for a long time. The best part is she knows that if something bad happens to her people will help her to feel better. She has been handled since birth, but this episode will bond her forever to those strange smelling upright horses with short manes and no tails. Jazzy sends her regards and thank you's for all your concerns.
>Sharon & Rudy Simas
>Sha'Ru Arabians