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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:30:53 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] FYI--long response
  • - Lisa Redmond
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  • - Lif Strand

    Re: [RC] FYI - Rides 2 Far

    My brain is fried. 4 cups of coffee and counting.  I realized after
    reading someone else's post and having my fifth mental image of "ET" (the
    Extra Terrestrial) that I'd been saying AI...totally different
    thing...but I was thinking ET. :-P
    My dad once bought a 2 year old App filly to race. Her sire "won $10,000
    as a 2 year old before he was injured and retired...just think how much
    he'd have won if he'd stayed sound" was the line they always repeated. 
    Broke down is broke down....but who cares if a race horse stays sound in
    the back of the pack year after year?  
    I have a friend right now with as nice an Arab mare as I've seen. She's
    just getting started in endurance and enjoying her mare who happens to be
    12 and has never been bred.  What to do?  Hate to wait too long...hate to
    lose competition time...but she is one mare that the more I'm around her
    I think, "This one needs to contribute to the gene pool of the future".
    P.S. on the "masculine mare" subject...I remember that Genuine Risk
    wasn't breedable...is it that common for the really athletic mares to
    have those problems?
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