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    Re: [RC] Tevis - Rebecca Hackworth

    I do not go out of the way to cause trouble.  My horse STOOD in place
    for nearly 20 minutes.  He was so good.  In fact almost every horse
    there just stood there.!  I was duly impressed.  
    People were just hanging around before we could give our numbers. 
    That was at least 15 minutes worth.  Then we gave our numbers one at
    a time.  Only one horse could pass the truck at a time.  Then we had
    at least a 1/2 mile to walk to the shirts.  During that time and the
    first 4-5 miles of the ride, those moving slower WERE to the right. 
    It was while we were stopped (and had BEEN stopped at the individual
    "shirts") we had chosen, and had been there for at least 15 minutes
    did Potato come crashing through.  No very nice. Not easing his way
    up, just yelling for us all to get to the right.  I'm sorry, but
    there is only so much room down there to squeeze in, and everyone was
    fairly content to stand there and wait for the start until he came
    If he had been more polite, or cautious, it would have been better. 
    I am surprised there were not more accidents at the start.
    Becky Hackworth
    ---- Original Message ----
    From: LSimoni197@xxxxxxx
    To: bechack@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, 
    Subject: Re: [RC]   Tevis 
    Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 20:24:45 EDT
    >I was at the pre ride meeting.  I believe that I remember the 
    >request for the 
    >riders waiting in line at the start to be on the right side of the 
    >road so 
    >that other riders heading for the red shirt could have an open lane 
    >on the 
    >left side to pass up to the front.
    >Perhaps others who were blocking the lane were also rude?
    >Perhaps horses were not as manageable as we would like while waiting 
    >in that 
    >Adrenaline flows in abundance at the start of the Tevis.  There were 
    >accidents and incidents.  
    >I like the motto "Go along to get Along," and feel it is as 
    >important to 
    >endurance as "To Finish is to Win."
    >Not everyone has the same parlor manners, and horses have none.  
    >Difference of background and opinion make this Country strong.  I 
    >that the founders of the Tevis and AERC appreciated these 
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