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Re: RE: Biotin Shortage
Just biotin, or a substitute for biotin, may not be enough for all horses
for whom supplementation is indicated.
More than two years ago my QH's front right hoof was x-ray'd because of
intermittent lameness (turned out to be an abscess high in the hoof that did
not respond to hoof testers wielded by the farrier or vet). This very
experienced vet told me that Jack's soles were so thin he was almost walking
on his navicular bones.
At that time my gelding had been on a hoof supplement for about a year and a
half (and I was careful about shelf-life, etc.). The vet recommended that I
switch to another supplement that he had observed to produce good results.
He said that some horses seem to need more than just biotin and methionine.
I changed supplements. I had also just recently changed farriers.
Last month Jack's front feet were x-ray'd again. Result -- he has
sufficient sole to let him go barefoot this winter. How much of the
improvement is due to the supplement, and how much due to the care of my
farrier, I can't say. But I don't want to have to do without either.
(the biotin supplement I use is HT20)
> One of the most available sources for biotin is in Flaxseed. Linseed meal
> is the flaxseed ground with the oil removed. You should be able to get
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