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Re: RC: Re-phrased Question re R-Martingale

Ray -

I'm not sure you really *want* me to weigh in on the r-m subject, and 
I've held my tongue on this thread for that reason, but since you've 
asked a 2nd time, here I go. wrote:

> Ray O.
>    1) Is it correct to say that a Running Martingale is used generally to
> cause the horse to lower the head? Or,to encourage a horse to "break" at
> the poll and soften the neck muscles at the throat area?     

Neither.  Actually, a running martingale will often cause a horse to 
pull up against the bit/hands.  The primary effect of long term r-m use 
that I have seen is to create stiffening in the back/withers, tension in 
the neck, and the tendency to pull up against the reins.

IT IS MY OPINION as an instructor and trainer that the use of a running 
martingale impairs the rider's correct and effective use of the hands, 
and that with correct and effective use of the hands, the rider's rein 
aids will cause the horse to *reflexively* lower his head, soften the 
neck, release the back and withers, soften the jaw, and break at the 
poll.  If the rider is capable of doing this with the reins alone, the 
r-m is not necessary.  If the rider is not capable of doing this, then 
the r-m will certainly not help.

2)Will a R-M
> ever LIFT the head for a horse carrying his head too low,by encouraging
> him to break at the poll?

No.  Never.  The rider must use his/her legs to accomplish lifting of 
the head.

THAT SAID, I do believe that there are uses for a running martingale.  I 
just prefer not to acknowledge them, for fear someone may think I 
actually *endorse* their use!

Nomex suit in place.
-Abby B

* * *
Abby Bloxsom
ARICP Certified Instructor
Level III Recreational and Distance Riding
Colebrook, CT USA

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