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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:30:21 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] Mad Science
  • - Truman Prevatt
  • Prev by Date: [RC] Ft. Armstrong - Being There
  • - Karen J. Zelinsky

    [RC] Hey! - Karen J. Zelinsky

    Linda and Mike-
    You druggie you! (i.e. pain-killer stuff)!
    Back to Buck and the ride - I heard through the grapevine that "they"
    came in 20 minutes over-da-limit....??  No completion??
    But, hey, Mike - wow, did you and Buck hang in there!  Glad you got those
    reins from whomever!  Going to do it again??  I forget if you're going to
    Ft. Armstrong??  I'll be there, and will post on ridecamp right now.
    Drop a line.  Cheers!
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