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    [RC] Concussion - C. Eyler

    My gelding and I need to condition for concussion.  There is a crushed
    bluestone trail (a rails-to-trails project) that we can get to once a week,
    but I'm not sure how slowly to start out or how quickly to increase distance
    or speed.  [Yes, I know not to increase both at the same time.]
    Our work currently is on wooded trails or riding the perimeter of large hay
    fields, usually doing twelve miles or so.  Would starting on bluestone doing
    five miles be too much?  Should we, initially, walk that distance or would
    it be okay to do some (maybe 25%) trotting?  If there's no sign of fill or
    heat afterwards, would it then be okay to increase the speed or distance the
    next ride?  If so, how much distance can we add the next time?
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