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    [RC] Allegany Adventure 2002/Sept. 20-22nd - Russell Calanni

    Hi Guys,
    FYI  Anyone planning on attending this year and arriving early, needs to call the Park Registration Office and reserve their camping sites.  This is only for Monday through Thurs.  We have reserved the whole area for the ride dates so you will be covered.  They have designated only 12 camping sites for regular camping and if they are full they will not let you camp.  You can probably dbl. up if you want, but you need to get your reservations in.
    The number for the Allegany State Park Administration Bldg. is 716-354-9101.  Be sure to tell them you are staying on for the NATRC ride, but do not pay for those nites.  We will collect camping at registration and it's usually a cheaper rate.  Also, when you come through the gate tell them you are camping so they will not charge you an entry fee.
    The ride secretary will be sending a note with the ride applications to explain some of this, but thought I would use the list to get the word out.
    If you have any questions or problems email at RussellC5@xxxxxxxxxxx or call me at 716-595-2263 or Linda Proper at LDPROPER@xxxxxxxxxxxx OR call at 716-366-3904.
    Hope to see some of you in September.
    Happy Trails, Kathy C.